Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Study: Wives Increasingly Wearing The Pants In The Family

Yesterday upon awaking my head was in a vice of beer withdrawal, which is why this headline might have seemed funny to me then. But, today it still seems funny. I don't know if it's saying this was a "study," or Study! hard in school to be the breadwinner in your household. Whichever, I'm actually fine with marrying a woman who makes some bread. I'm always hungry. Being a stay at home man would allow me to write, eat and snack, and build stuff, not to mention learn new hobbies and share all my crazy life stories with an audience of impressionable children. The one disconcerting problem for me with this scenario is my wife wearing pants. The person I end up sharing a vast wealth of capital assets with is going to have some nice gams, and I don't want them covered up by elongated tubes of fabric.

I hope that women don't take this trend literally. No one is going to be chasing pants. Believe me.